Happy Birthday Makiah

Monday, March 28, 2011
Yesterday was Makiah's second birthday.

We celebrated over the weekend with family and friends and then yesterday Sheena and I took our daughter out and had some fun just the three of us.

The picture to the right is her celebrating with her free birthday sundae at the restaurant of her choosing. It might be hard to tell, but she celebrated with ketchup and chocolate sauce all over her face, shirt, sleeves, and table.

It was a wild party.

She's apparently not one to rush a good thing and when the ice cream all melted away, and her spoon ended up across the room, only one option presented itself for finishing off the party.

I tried to offer help, but she turned that down with an emphatic: "I dood it. I dood it."

I think she was just worried I'd sneak a bite for myself.

She was probably right to be worried.

Happy Birthday Makiah.